Communities in development

Communities in development

Is a program that promotes responsible community participation through the Community Development Committees –COCODE-, oriented to development and planning to take advantage of the State’s offer within the framework of Public Policies, for the continuous improvement of the Social and economic community indicators.

It is a program that has a duration of one year with a positive impact on the community and includes women, youth, community leaders, public servers of the areas of health, education, and municipalities and promotes that communities make a plan for their development with a vision of 10 years.

Areas of action:

COCODES leaders: with training for development planning. Behavior change for self-management and citizen responsibility.

Women: with training for empowerment through behavioral change in health, nutrition and utilization of state services. With powers for the exercise of local leadership.

Youngsters: with training so that they know about economy, participatory citizenship and can contribute and develop actions in the Integral Development Plan of their community

Directors and teachers: with training to provide quality education and have official schools raising educational indicators.

First level nurses and health technicians trained to deliver quality health service to have health posts functioning and raising health indicators.

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