Participatory Municipal

Development Program

This program, which began in 1997, facilitates planning processes for municipal integral development in a prioritized manner, promoting community organization, citizen and institutional participation, linked to the municipal budget.

The Directorate for Municipal, Urban and Rural Development (referred to by its Spanish acronym DEMUR), provides technical-administrative advice for the planning processes of integral development communities and municipalities.

This assistance is provided according to the Law of Urban and Rural Development Councils, in which it is established that one of the functions of the Community Development Councils is: “to formulate policies, plans, programs and development projects, based on the needs, problems and solutions of the communities, as prioritized by them, and make corresponding suggestions to the Municipal Development Council so that these can be incorporated into the Municipality’s policies, plans, programs and development projects.”

This program promotes planning processes for integral community and municipal development, to achieve the development of each of the municipalities in which it participates.

It strategically promotes civic participation and self-management, allowing to meet the basic needs of the populations of each of the Municipalities, with the endorsement of the corresponding Municipal Authority.

Dissemination of existing laws is essential to prioritize those that facilitate the formulation the plans and make them operational.


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