Tag - local governments

Diplomado en participacion ciudadana y liderazgo Fundazucar

Fundazucar concludes a Diploma in Leadership and Citizen Participation to community leaders

Diplomado en participacion ciudadana y liderazgo Fundazucar

Fundazucar concludes a Diploma in Leadership and Citizen Participation

to community leaders

The Sugar Foundation -Fundazucar- gave the Diploma “Leadership and Citizen Participation” to 74 members of the Community Development Committees -Cocode- from Mazatenango, Suchitepequez, located 195 km (117 miles) from Guatemala City, with the aim of training and updating community leaders on leadership and citizen participation issues to be key in the development of their communities.

In six sessions, the participants were trained in topics such as: Introduction to the Political Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala, Municipal Code and own and delegated powers, Municipal Budget, as well as the Development Council Law and National Council for Urban and Rural Development.

Fundazucar has always promoted responsible community participation through the Community Development Committees –COCODE-, so that they take advantage of the State’s offer focused on the continuous improvement of the community’s social and economic indicators.


Capacitación programa Mejores Familias - San Lorenzo Suchitepéquez

Fundazucar trained 36 municipal workers on the methodology of the Better Families program

Capacitación programa Mejores Familias - San Lorenzo Suchitepéquez

Fundazucar trained 36 municipal workers

on the methodology of the Better Families program

Fundazucar began the transfer of the Better Families program with the training of 36 facilitators from the Municipal Directorate for Women -DMM- and the Municipal Office for Nutritional Food Security -OMSAN- of four municipalities of the department of Escuintla and one of the department of Suchitepequez after signing a cooperation agreement with municipal authorities.

The training program addressed the subject of Nutritional Food Security Policy and its four pillars, as well as the appropriate techniques for teaching adults.

In March 2021, the Guatemalan Sugar Industry, through its Sugar Foundation -Fundazucar-, signed a cooperation agreement with municipal authorities of Escuintla, Masagua, La Democracia and La Gomera for the transfer of the methodology of the Better Families program with a validity of 15 consecutive months.

The Municipality of San Lorenzo, Suchitepequez joined this agreement in July and began the initial phase of the program in August with the aim of promoting Nutritional Food Security and recognizing women of reproductive age as an agent of change in the community.


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