Tag - training

Graduación Cocina del Mar Champerico

Chefs and cooks from the Champerico beach graduated from the Seafood Cuisine diploma

Graduación Cocina del Mar Champerico

Chefs and cooks from the Champerico beach graduated from the Seafood Cuisine diploma

The Guatemalan Sugar Industry, through Fundazucar, awarded a scholarship for the “Seafood Cuisine” diploma to chefs and cooks from restaurants and hotels in Champerico, Retalhuleu (226 km South from Guatemala City). The diploma course was carried out in alliance with the Municipality, INTECAP and the Ministry of Economy with the aim of technifying the gastronomic offer of the place.

The chefs and cooks who participated in the Gastronomic Diversification Diploma continued their training with a scholarship for the “Seafood Cuisine” Diploma granted by Fundazucar as part of the inter-institutional alliance, which promotes a strategy for local economic development.

The objective is to expand the gastronomic offer of hotels, restaurants, and dining rooms in the beach area so that they can offer it as a tourist attraction. The course lasted 80 theoretical and practical hours for the preparation of dishes with products from artisanal fishing.

On this occasion, 30 chefs and cooks from 8 restaurants and 1 hotel learned innovative recipes based on seafood. The “Seafood Cuisine” Diploma was taught by chef Lourdes Piedrasanta from the Technical Institute for Training and Productivity -INTECAP-.

Additionally, the participants learned how to implement good manufacturing practices and marketing of the finished product.

The Economic Development Strategy for Fishing and Gastronomic Tourism has expanded the gastronomic offer of hotels, restaurants, and dining rooms in the beach area of the municipalities of Iztapa and Sipacate, Escuintla; Chiquimulilla, Santa Rosa; and San Andres Villa Seca and Champerico, Retalhuleu.

Clausura del Diplomado Cocina del Mar en Tulate, Retalhuleu

22 chefs and cooks graduate from the Seafood Cuisine diploma course with a Fundazucar’s scholarship

Clausura del Diplomado Cocina del Mar en Tulate, Retalhuleu

22 chefs and cooks graduate from the Seafood Cuisine

diploma course with a Fundazucar’s scholarship

With a scholarship granted by the Guatemalan Sugar Industry through the Sugar Foundation -Fundazucar-, 22 chefs and cooks from the Tulate village in San Andres Villa Seca, Retalhuleu graduated from the Cuisine of the Sea diploma course. Tulate is located 213 km South from Guatemala City.

The diploma course was given by the Technical Institute of Training and Productivity -Intecap- in alliance with the municipality and the Ministry of Economy.

The “Seafood Cuisine” Diploma was held to expand the gastronomic offer of hotels, restaurants, and dining rooms in the beach area as a tourist attraction and thus provide added value.

The 22 chefs and cooks from 3 hotels and 7 restaurants in the Tulate beach area learned innovative recipes for the preparation of dishes with products from artisanal fishing, they were also trained in good manufacturing practices and marketing of the finished product.

In the graduation ceremony that took place this Tuesday, May 24th, representatives of Fundazucar, Ingenio Palo Gordo, Ministry of Economy, Inguat, Intecap, San Andres Villa Seca Municipality and the Tulate Community Development Council participated.

The “Seafood Cuisine” Diploma is part of the plan to support the reactivation of the economy in the beach area of the South of Guatemala. The Economic Development Strategy for Fishing and Gastronomic Tourism has expanded the gastronomic offer of hotels, restaurants, and dining rooms in the beach area of the municipalities of Iztapa and Sipacate, Escuintla; Chiquimulilla, Santa Rosa; and San Andres Villa Seca and Champerico, Retalhuleu.

Fundazucar capacita a lideres comunitarios

Fundazucar trains community leaders in responsible citizenship and leadership

Fundazucar capacita a lideres comunitarios

Fundazucar trains community leaders in responsible citizenship and leadership

In 2021, the Sugar Foundation -Fundazucar- trained 1,562 community leaders from 143 communities in responsible citizenship and leadership participation to execute the Comprehensive Community Development Plans -CCDP- in the short and long term.

The participating leaders prepared and validated the Annual Operating Plan -AOP- 2022 for their communities, it is worth mentioning that the AOPs of the recent year were executed and fulfilled as planned.

Within the Comprehensive Community Development Plans, actions for the prevention and mitigation of COVID-19 are contemplated, so in 2021, 664 basic sanitation sessions were carried out in communities on the South of Guatemala.

Fundazucar has developed 298 CCDP on the South of the country and 108 in the highlands: in Cubulco and Rabinal, Baja Verapaz and Cunén and Nebaj, Quiché.

Leadership and local development

Since 1997, Fundazucar has promoted citizen participation, leadership, and decision-making of the Community Development Councils —Cocode- so that they can identify the main needs of the community and thus formulate and execute Comprehensive Community Development Plans -CCDP-.

In the development plan, the community define and prioritize the projects, as well as the times to carry out their execution. Fundazucar trains on laws, processes and requirements; and provides technical assistance so that the community can manage actions for their benefit with a long-term vision.


Fundazucar capacita a lideres comunitarios

Fundazucar trains community leaders in responsible citizenship and leadership

Fundazucar capacita a lideres comunitarios

Fundazucar trains community leaders in responsible citizenship and leadership

In 2021, the Sugar Foundation -Fundazucar- trained 1,562 community leaders from 143 communities in responsible citizenship and leadership participation to execute the Comprehensive Community Development Plans -CCDP- in the short and long term.

The participating leaders prepared and validated the Annual Operating Plan -AOP- 2022 for their communities, it is worth mentioning that the AOPs of the recent year were executed and fulfilled as planned.

Within the Comprehensive Community Development Plans, actions for the prevention and mitigation of COVID-19 are contemplated, so in 2021, 664 basic sanitation sessions were carried out in communities on the South of Guatemala.

Fundazucar has developed 298 CCDP on the South of the country and 108 in the highlands: in Cubulco and Rabinal, Baja Verapaz and Cunén and Nebaj, Quiché.

Leadership and local development

Since 1997, Fundazucar has promoted citizen participation, leadership, and decision-making of the Community Development Councils —Cocode- so that they can identify the main needs of the community and thus formulate and execute Comprehensive Community Development Plans -CCDP-.

In the development plan, the community define and prioritize the projects, as well as the times to carry out their execution. Fundazucar trains on laws, processes and requirements; and provides technical assistance so that the community can manage actions for their benefit with a long-term vision.


Salubristas de la Costa Sur son capacitados gracias al programa “Mi Salud Primero” de Fundazúcar

Fundazucar trained 535 health professionals in COVID-19 prevention and health promotion in 2021

Salubristas de la Costa Sur son capacitados gracias al programa “Mi Salud Primero” de Fundazúcar

Fundazucar trained 535 health professionals in COVID-19 prevention

and health promotion in 2021

Last year, 535 health professionals from the South of Guatemala were trained by the Sugar Foundation -Fundazucar-, in alliance with the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance in methodologies for the prevention of COVID-19 and strategies for the promotion preventive health in diseases such as dengue, zika and chikungunya; as well as monitoring of pregnant women and women with children up to two years old in what is called the “window of a thousand days”.

The training covered the five departments on the South of Guatemala and included the promotion of preventive health in diseases transmitted by animals such as mosquitoes, spiders, flies, fleas, and lice, among others, these are called “vectors”.

They were also trained to develop technical skills to prevent the spread of COVID-19; this due to the pandemic we are facing worldwide.

Similarly, support for women and children was promoted in the so-called “Window of a thousand days” which, according to the Pan American Health Organization, covers health care and nutrition for mothers and children during pregnancy and up to two years of the child, with this it is sought that they have good feeding practices, through prioritizing breastfeeding, taking vitamins and minerals, and the treatment of acute malnutrition, among others.

In addition, Fundazucar supports the workers of 65 health posts and centers, with advice for the control and updating of the Situation Room, which means keeping community health statistics such as: control of vaccinations, child malnutrition, number of pregnant women, diseases local authorities, among others, this allows them to better focus their efforts.


Graduación Cocina del Mar Sipacate

Tourist reactivation: 38 chefs and cooks graduate in the first promotion of Seafood Cuisine

Graduación Cocina del Mar Sipacate

Tourist reactivation: 38 chefs and cooks graduate

in the first promotion of Seafood Cuisine

On January 21st, 38 chefs and cooks from restaurants and hotels in Sipacate, Escuintla, (132 km South from Guatemala City) graduated from the “Seafood Cuisine” course, through a scholarship granted by the Sugar Foundation –Fundazucar- in alliance with the Ministry of Economy and the local government.

This diploma course is part of the Economic Development Strategy for Fishing and Gastronomic Tourism that seeks to support the economic reactivation of municipalities on the South of Guatemala that have tourism potential due to their beaches. The course was completed at the Technical Institute for Training and Productivity -Intecap- and lasted 80 hours and included good manufacturing practices and marketing of the finished product.

This is the first promotion of the “Seafood Cuisine” diploma course, in which chefs and cooks received knowledge to prepare innovative recipes based on seafood and thus expand the gastronomic offer to national and foreign tourists, with which it is provided an added value since the products they will use are purchased from artisanal fishermen. This is the second diploma course taken by these chefs and cooks since last year they took a diploma course on “Gastronomic Diversification” taught by Fundazucar.

The Economic Development Strategy for Fishing and Gastronomic Tourism aims to expand the gastronomic offer of hotels, restaurants and dining rooms in the beach area of the municipalities of Iztapa and Sipacate, Escuintla; Chiquimulilla, Santa Rosa; and San Andrés Villa Seca and Champerico, Retalhuleu.



28 chefs and cooks from the beach town El Chapeton graduated in Gastronomy based on seafood

28 chefs and cooks from the beach town El Chapeton

graduated in Gastronomy based on seafood

The Guatemalan Sugar Industry, through its Sugar Foundation -Fundazucar-, supports the economic and tourist reactivation of the South of the country, therefore in alliance with the Ministry of Economy -Mineco- and the Municipality of Chiquimulilla, Santa Rosa, they carried out the diploma: Gastronomic Diversification.

28 chefs and cooks graduated from 13 hotels and restaurants in the beach town of El Chapeton, Chiquimulilla, located 154 kilometers (96 miles), southeast of Guatemala City, who learned innovative recipes based on seafood from the region to expand the gastronomic offer for tourists visiting the place.

The objective of the training program is to support economic reactivation by offering added value to tourists through the processing and transformation of products from artisanal fishing, as well as to acquire knowledge in good manufacturing practices, cold chain management and marketing of the finished product.

Chefs and cooks will continue their training at the Guatemalan Technical Institute for Training and Productivity -Intecap- with a scholarship for the Diploma “Seafood Cuisine” granted by the Sugar Foundation as part of the inter-institutional alliance, which promotes a strategy for the promotion local economic.


Diplomado en participacion ciudadana y liderazgo Fundazucar

Fundazucar concludes a Diploma in Leadership and Citizen Participation to community leaders

Diplomado en participacion ciudadana y liderazgo Fundazucar

Fundazucar concludes a Diploma in Leadership and Citizen Participation

to community leaders

The Sugar Foundation -Fundazucar- gave the Diploma “Leadership and Citizen Participation” to 74 members of the Community Development Committees -Cocode- from Mazatenango, Suchitepequez, located 195 km (117 miles) from Guatemala City, with the aim of training and updating community leaders on leadership and citizen participation issues to be key in the development of their communities.

In six sessions, the participants were trained in topics such as: Introduction to the Political Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala, Municipal Code and own and delegated powers, Municipal Budget, as well as the Development Council Law and National Council for Urban and Rural Development.

Fundazucar has always promoted responsible community participation through the Community Development Committees –COCODE-, so that they take advantage of the State’s offer focused on the continuous improvement of the community’s social and economic indicators.


Capacitación programa Mejores Familias - San Lorenzo Suchitepéquez

Fundazucar trained 36 municipal workers on the methodology of the Better Families program

Capacitación programa Mejores Familias - San Lorenzo Suchitepéquez

Fundazucar trained 36 municipal workers

on the methodology of the Better Families program

Fundazucar began the transfer of the Better Families program with the training of 36 facilitators from the Municipal Directorate for Women -DMM- and the Municipal Office for Nutritional Food Security -OMSAN- of four municipalities of the department of Escuintla and one of the department of Suchitepequez after signing a cooperation agreement with municipal authorities.

The training program addressed the subject of Nutritional Food Security Policy and its four pillars, as well as the appropriate techniques for teaching adults.

In March 2021, the Guatemalan Sugar Industry, through its Sugar Foundation -Fundazucar-, signed a cooperation agreement with municipal authorities of Escuintla, Masagua, La Democracia and La Gomera for the transfer of the methodology of the Better Families program with a validity of 15 consecutive months.

The Municipality of San Lorenzo, Suchitepequez joined this agreement in July and began the initial phase of the program in August with the aim of promoting Nutritional Food Security and recognizing women of reproductive age as an agent of change in the community.


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